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Diving with Great Whites

Great Whites

Everyone wants to see the Big Five while on a Safari in any of the numerous wildlife areas in Africa but a close up encounter with the world’s most formidable Apex Predator in it’s natural habitat offers an experience that will never be forgotten. We drive out to the little village of Gansbaai which has become world famous as the headquarters of a number of major local and International Research Projects attempting to study and better understand these giant predators whose breeding grounds are right off it’s craggy shore. The huge seal colonies around Gansbaai provide an inexhaustible resource for the sharks which then migrate all over the world After a short breakfast, an interesting background briefing from researchers and a safety review we board the Research Boats to head out into some of the most shark infested waters on the planet. The experience of seeing these massive predators at eye level and close enough to touch is one which has the potential of entirely changing the relationship away from a primal fear and into one of awe and empathy. Whether you decide to go into the cage (greatly encouraged) or observe from the deck the experience is one that will force a re-evaluation and appreciation of these magnificent creatures. The drive out and back is scenic and relaxed and stops can be made on the return for photo’s beach breaks and great food and drinks.

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